5 Awesome Ways Schools Use Signs

As the summer draws to a close, the schools around your neighborhood have likely started to rev their engines in preparation for the new school year. During this time, you may start to see signage appear on school grounds. Like businesses, schools use signage to declare important events and concepts to parents and children alike; because the beginning of the school year usually brings lots of change, growth, and experimentation, signage can help direct everyone, including staff, in the right direction. Let’s look at four specific ways schools use signage during back-to-school season.

New School Features

If your neighborhood school has undergone any renovations to classrooms or playing areas, you may see it posted across an exterior vinyl sign somewhere on school grounds. Vinyl signs are an excellent way to promote new features of a school, because they can be hung along chain-link fences, between trees, and over MP room entrances. Their durable finish means they can be allowed in sprinkling rain for short durations of time, and are easily cleaned of dust and grime.

Promote Upcoming Events

There always seems to be an upcoming exciting event at most schools. Educational establishments that are planning an exciting new event may choose to promote their big event using chalkboard signs in hallways, vinyl banners in cafeterias, or send home fliers for children to look over at home. For schools that use school plays and concerts to create revenue for extracurricular activities, using signage to advertise your upcoming event is a great way to show school pride.

A Warm Welcome

As we mentioned earlier, signs aren’t purely used to communicate advertisement and deals; they can also be used to communicate ideas and feelings. Using signage of any kind to welcome back both students and staff after summer vacation is a great way to send a heartfelt statement to those who make the school worth returning to. Consider placing welcome signage (such as vinyl banners) in the parking area or entrance hall of your school to ensure everyone driving on campus will easily see the message.

Classroom Settings

In the same way signage is effective for directing customer traffic through a store, it is equally effective at directing ideas. Easily adjusted signage, such as chalkboard signs can be used to help kids remember their morning routines, homework, expectations and more. Because chalkboard signs can be hung on walls, placed at the classroom entrance, and suspended from the ceiling, the number of ways they can be used to enhance a classroom’s learning potential is limitless.

Direct Traffic

Let’s face it; school zones in the morning and afternoon can be an absolute nightmare. While human traffic guides can be an enormous help to maintaining reasonable traffic flow, sometimes adding signage to a school’s parking lot is a must. Signs (such as vinyl banners and window decals) can be an effective way to direct traffic; by designating “no stopping” zones, timed wait zones, and other appropriate sections of the parking lot, the chaos for a school parking area can be reduced.