The Psychology Behind Signage
As a marketing manager or business owner, it’s not uncommon to constantly consider the affect an active sign campaign will have on your general audience. The different components of an awesome sign (such as logo, content, graphics, and promotional offer) are all founded on the universal need for businesses to design marketing material that resonates with clients. With that said, have you ever wondered how some companies design graphics and logos that just don’t seem to leave your psyche? Are you having trouble creating a sign that does the very same? In today’s post, we’ll be discussing the psychology behind successful sign development and customer interest.
The Psychology of Marketing Today, there are three very popular types of psychological marketing tactics that large businesses and corporations use in their advertising campaigns. The first of these advertising tactics is to market a product or service based on the emotional value it will add to the user’s lifestyle. By advertising their services as a lifestyle change rather than simply a product, businesses are able to connect with their target demographic on a more personal level. Another way companies adjust to consumer psychology is by understanding that the customer, by default, will feel reluctant to purchase their product for a variety of reasons. By accepting this psychological truth about their customers, businesses are able to acknowledge their customers doubts and develop solutions. Finally, businesses will attempt to use their advertisements to reposition themselves against their competition. By pointing out differences between themselves and their competitors, businesses are able to show potential customers the benefits of their product. The Psychology of Signage for You So what does all this mean to your business and you, the advertiser? It means, your job is to help the customer do as little work as possible to get to you. The customer’s job is to have a problem. They’re hungry, they’re thirsty, they need a plumber, they need a catering service, you name it. Your job as an advertiser is to present them with an accessible solution to the problem by increasing the visibility of your brand. Before setting out to develop your marketing campaign, some good questions to initially ask are: • What type of signage is right for my campaign? • What color scheme will I use in my advertisement? • What will this color scheme mean to my main audience? o For example, the color scheme of red, white, and blue provide a sense of patriotism, and camaraderie. o Take some time to research the various meanings behind each color you’re using for your car signs • What type of graphics will be used in my car sign, window graphic, or vinyl banner? o How does this graphic relate to the product I’m selling, and/or the service I’m providing? o How does my advertisement convince the customer that my company will best solve their problem
The Psychology of Marketing Today, there are three very popular types of psychological marketing tactics that large businesses and corporations use in their advertising campaigns. The first of these advertising tactics is to market a product or service based on the emotional value it will add to the user’s lifestyle. By advertising their services as a lifestyle change rather than simply a product, businesses are able to connect with their target demographic on a more personal level. Another way companies adjust to consumer psychology is by understanding that the customer, by default, will feel reluctant to purchase their product for a variety of reasons. By accepting this psychological truth about their customers, businesses are able to acknowledge their customers doubts and develop solutions. Finally, businesses will attempt to use their advertisements to reposition themselves against their competition. By pointing out differences between themselves and their competitors, businesses are able to show potential customers the benefits of their product. The Psychology of Signage for You So what does all this mean to your business and you, the advertiser? It means, your job is to help the customer do as little work as possible to get to you. The customer’s job is to have a problem. They’re hungry, they’re thirsty, they need a plumber, they need a catering service, you name it. Your job as an advertiser is to present them with an accessible solution to the problem by increasing the visibility of your brand. Before setting out to develop your marketing campaign, some good questions to initially ask are: • What type of signage is right for my campaign? • What color scheme will I use in my advertisement? • What will this color scheme mean to my main audience? o For example, the color scheme of red, white, and blue provide a sense of patriotism, and camaraderie. o Take some time to research the various meanings behind each color you’re using for your car signs • What type of graphics will be used in my car sign, window graphic, or vinyl banner? o How does this graphic relate to the product I’m selling, and/or the service I’m providing? o How does my advertisement convince the customer that my company will best solve their problem